Genius isn't what you think. Why you've never heard of Lise Meitner --
The outrageous bias against Mozart's sister --
Einstein's wife and the theory of relativity --
How a teenage nun painted The Last Supper --
Why Italian women are better than you at math --
Rosalind Franklin and the truth about the female brain --
The geniusses among us. Why Fei-Fei Li should be on the cover of Vanity Fair --
The astrophysicist who does not need Tom Cruise --
Broadway's Tina Landau contains multitudes --
RBG and the genius of being a cuddly goat --
The Dark Lord trying to kill off women scientists --
How women geniuses fight...and win. Battling the Ariel-Cinderella complex --
Why Oprah wanted to be a beauty queen --
Geena Davis and the problem of being nice --
Frances Arnold knew she was right (and then she won the Nobel Prize) --
How to succeed in business by wearing elegant scarves --
Why Sally Michel was a genius painter and Mrs. Milton Avery was not --
The game-changing power of genius women.