Mary Elizabeth Burgess
In Holy Encounters, we listen to the other person's pain--listen, just listen--and let God's holy word breathe through us to speak words of comfort and healing to a fellow sufferer. Such holy moments prove that to be alive is to be blessed. Sooner or later suffering comes to us all. We may ask, "Why?" But then we need to ask also, "Why is there beauty?" "Why is there redemption?" "Why does the daffodil bloom every April?" As the folk song says, the...
In this fictionalized account of the authors only sibling, born crippled and with soft bones, many fractures and illnesses cause Rebekah to become her brothers nurse, as Mama has to work because Papa died when the children were young. Jimmy Ray disdained going to doctors and hospitals after failed surgeries to correct his deformities and never told Mama how ill he was one summer with a high fever and sore throat. Rheumatic fever left him with a heart...
The neat thing about getting old is that you can flirt outrageously with anyone you want, and they dont take you seriously. Or maybe they do! 101 Poems and Philosophies includes poems and mini-essays about growing older. Oh, what fun it is, arthritis, dementia, and enough anxiety to see you to the cemetery and beyond. In a serious vein, some pieces present hope for end-of-life issues and, indeed, for the beyond.
Willy falls in love with Native life first through an Elderhostel program, teaching Najavos how to read and write. Reluctantly, she returns home to visit her three children, Dusty, Stephanie, and Mike. Her pastor informs her of the need for teachers with a different tribe. There she meets Jim and Alice, pastor and nurse, supportive and jolly, workhorses like herself. Her grandson Kelly arrives to paint several Indians'portraits which eventually sell...
Celie, teacher of ESL students, works with Gioi from Vietnam, Daniyel from Israel, Suk from South Korea and others, convinced she learns more from them than they from her. She persuades Chau to relate his familys escape from Vietnam, which he refuses to put into print. Celie will never look at a grain of rice in the same way again. What will happen to Valeria whose family came from Bogota to escape the danger of drug lords? When Celie learns Valeria...
6) Boy Wonders
He shouldn't even have been born. His mother's water broke when she was only eight months along. Yet the doctor delivered a healthy boy one month later by forceps. When he babbled in his crib or coach, the neighbor lady said he made sense to her. "I declare I swear he's talking in tongues. " Marietta dismissed this, saying to her husband "Just Iris getting into the elderberry wine again. " Isaiah meets new neighbor Tommy Wiu to whom he'd given his...
Grief/Consolation Written in short, to the point suggestions, Handbook of Hope provides practical, meaningful, and immediate aid for family and friends of loved ones who die by suicide. Sometimes classified as disenfranchised grief because societys attitudes do not permit normal mourning, suicide is one of the most difficult kinds of loss to cope with. Handbook of Hope is designed to help with the period immediately following the suicide as well as...